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At Practical Ecology Ltd we pride ourselves on providing pragmatic solutions to ecological concerns on a wide range of projects and sites.
From major infrastructure to private planning applications, Practical Ecology Ltd have a solution that fits.
With excellent staff and glowing references we are confident that we can offer an unrivaled service throughout East Anglia, London & the Southeast, the Midlands, and across the UK.
Surveys to accompany planning
Preliminary Ecological Appraisals
Ecological Management Plans
Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
Protected species surveys and mitigation (including bats, great crested newts, badgers, reptiles, birds, otters and water voles)
Design and implementation of protected species mitigation
Habitat Regulations Assessments (HRA) (Screening and Appropriate Assessment)
Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA)
Habitat management and habitat translocation
Invasive species surveys and control
Ecological clerk of works