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The Team
Cyrise Weaire - Principal Ecologist
Cyrise is an experienced and enthusiastic ecologist with over twenty years experience in ecological consultancy. With a background in larger multidisciplinary consultancies, Cyrise set up Practical Ecology Ltd in 2010 to give clients a more tailored and personalised service.
Cyrise has extensive project management and site implementation experience on small scale and major infrastructure schemes, she has held a great crested newt class license for over twelve years and is a full member of CIEEM.
Charlie Reynolds - Office Manager​
Charlie joined the team in July 2022 and brings experience in managing work flow and liaising with clients as well as energy and enthusiasm to the role of office manager.
Kat Sturman - Assistant Ecologist
Kat joined the team in May 2023.
Vic Shone-Silk - Assistant Ecologist
Vic joined the team in July 2023.
Amber Stringer - Assistant Ecologist
Amber joined the team in July 2023.
Georgia Chapman - Ecologist
Georgia joined the team in December 2023.